If you are experiencing high levels of distress and need immediate help – especially if you think you might act on suicidal thoughts, or you’ve harmed yourself and need urgent medical attention – you should visit Accident & Emergency (A&E)


If you are concerned about your mental health and need urgent support, but there is no risk of harm to yourself or others, you should seek the advice and support of your GP as a matter of priority and explain that you require an urgent appointment.

The Samaritans

If you need to talk to someone straight away about how you are feeling, the Samaritans offer emotional support 24 hours, 7 days a week – in full confidence.

Finding Services For Ongoing Support or Treatment

Your GP may be the first person you talk to about your mental health problems. If you have a good relationship with your doctor, you may find it helpful just to know there is someone you can talk to about the feelings you are having. Your GP may refer you to specialist services if he/she feels they will help you.

Find the words

To speak to your GP

Find the words

You can find help on how to talk to your GP about your mental health in our leaflet “Find the Words”

Find The Words

Mind Jersey

To find out how Mind Jersey can help you visit our get support section (find out more about the range of services that we offer) section.

You can call Mind Jersey Admin on 07829 933929 and we will provide you with information on a wide range of topics.


There are a wide range of services, support groups and professional organisations in Jersey that can offer support for people with specific mental health concerns such as phobias, eating disorders and problems with alcohol/drugs. For more information, visit our list of local support services below

A-Z of Mental Health

Our A-Z of treatments includes up to date and evidence-based information on medication, therapies and types of support which might help you.


Recovery can mean different things to different people, however, for many, recovery is about living a fulfilling and meaningful life with or without ongoing mental health problems.